Was Jesus Really Serious?
A couple days ago, I started reading a book a friend gave me, The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical , by Shane Claiborne. This is one of the few "rock your world" books I've read. (For starters, think Mother Theresa meets Willow Creek Community Churchl; imagine the culture shock going from one to the other. Shane spent three months working with "Momma T" in a Calcutta leper colony, then did a one-year internship in Chicago with Willow Creek. At least he was able to see Jesus in both places!) As I'm reading, I'm struck by this guy's radical belief that we're actually supposed to take Jesus seriously! Do you mean to tell me that when Jesus told the righteous rich kid to sell everything he had and give it to the poor... he actually meant it?!? Claiborne seems to think so! For the past year or so, I have been doing an unusual (for me) amount of thinking about wealth and poverty, freedom and oppression, West and East, Am...