
Showing posts from September, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Some adults reaching their 40s try to make one last, desperate attempt to hang onto the past. Maybe they buy a sports car, take a vacation in the Caribbean, or - like the characters in the movie "City Slickers" - try to prove their masculinity by spending a week driving cattle! Others realize that it's about time to finally grow up. They put away the "Grecian formula" and stop worrying about the strands of grey that increasingly pepper their hair. They decide to stick with a job for longer than just a few years. They begin to think seriously about what it means to raise their kids to be responsible adults (and just in time, too!). They may begin to question some of those things they've been so certain about for so long, whether it's religion or politics or the importance of pro sports! Next month marks my 40th "birthday" as a Christian and I find myself wrestling with similar issues on a spiritual level. It was easy when I was a kid to s...